ok, i committed jenny craig crime! i succumbed to temptation....in other words: i cheated!! you know what? it happens for the same reasons people cheat in a committed relationship. i got tired of eating the same foods week after week, same taste, same routine....*yawn*. the moral of this unfortunate event is: boredom can lead to cheating. so when it comes to food, this is what we all need to do: start having more fun with what we can eat to avoid eating what we shouldn't eat. this also applies to relationships: spice it up and keep it fun.who knew food and sex were so connected?
FOOD CONSULTANT NADIA AREVALO SAYS: (foodcoonsultant@yahoo.com)
#1: Garlic Cloves: “Fights infections and reduces LDL cholesterol. Is a good liver and bile cleanser.”
Source: Sandra Cabot MD
“Your feelings are not a reflection of your reality."
Ron Ball
Raw Corn Chowder Soup:
2 ½ cups coconut water
2 cups sweet raw corn (from cob)
1 small carrot
1 celery stalk
1 clove garlic
1/3 yellow onion
2 tsp thyme
½ TBSP olive oil
Sea Salt TT
Blend veggies, then spices and enjoy!