Follow me on my journey to level my blood sugar by eating vegan ONLY! And then switching to NON vegan to take the weight off that I gained eating too many vegan desserts!!
My luvahs
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Releasing the obsession.
weight loss/gain and obsession are twin sisters. when i gain lbs, i'm obsessed with taking them off. when i lose lbs i'm obsessed with adding them on. when will i stop torturing myself? i hope soon because it's not helping me enjoy eating a nice meal at a restaurant. don't get me wrong, i'm all for making great choices but where do i draw the line? i wanna live in a good food place and not be paranoid with the scale and the measuring tape! so my goal today is to stop the insanity and start the fun of enjoying life with its weight ups and downs. FOOD CONSULTANT NADIA AREVALO SAYS: ( Nutrition FYI For Type Bs, avoid corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds to avoid weight gain. “See that person or situation as a gift of opportunity for growth.” Kute Blackson HEALTHY FOOD RECIPES Sweet Yams 3 steamed yams 2 steamed potatoes ½ tsp nutmeg ½ TBSP coconut oil or coconut butter dash sea salt Mashed yams and potatoes, mix in spices and oil and enjoy! Cereal: